Five Quotes That Lead to Happiness

Happiness quotes are a very easy way to raise our vibrations!

five quotes that lead to happinessThere’s a secret to you being happy, and the answer is not as profound as you may expect it to be. However, it’s simple. Simple is always good because it means that something is more convenient.

There are a few steps one must ensure to take en route to their happy world, and without taking these steps, it may take one much, much longer.

So let’s get on with the five happiness quotes, shall we?


five quotes that lead to happiness

Do what you love: The first happiness quote is simple, eh? Doesn’t have to take much time but you love it no matter how much time you spend on it. It’s simple- just do what you love to do, what could you possibly have to question here?


happiness quotes
Spend time with people you love and admire: Another simple happy quote, huh? Just pick up the phone, call someone you love on the phone, and tell them you’re hanging out immediately whether they like it or not. I told you. It’s that easy. Life is too short to be surrounded by negative vibes.

happiness quotes

Love yourself: this one may not be as easy as the first two steps, but it’s straight-forward nonetheless. Write down all the things you love about yourself and why you love them. Then, on another sheet of paper, write down things you don’t like as much. For each trait that you do not like- find at least ONE positive about that negative. Concentrate on that positive aspect. You don’t have to embrace it, but if you do, just know it’ll allow you to love yourself a bit faster 🙂

happiness quotes
Be you: Hmm..this one can be difficult for some. But why should it be? People always feel better when they are themselves as opposed to putting on an act and being someone else. If people don’t like you, then they aren’t your cup of tea either. Move on and be you.

The secret to having it all is knowing that you already do
Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude: and let me repeat- gratitude! Be happy with what you got and more amazing things will come your way. If you worry about things you don’t have, you’ll never have enough. I think Oprah said something like this. But I may be incorrect, and if that is the case- excuse me. Either way, gratitude is always the answer.

Well, that’s all folks! Incorporate these for 30 days and comment below to let me know how it works out for you. See you on the happy side!

Simple + effective= PROFOUND.

For more quotes and their interpretations, feel free to visit: 

My favorite happiness books:

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama

The Book of Joy by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu



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