best empowering quotes

Female Empowerment Quotes

female empowerment quotes

Female empowerment quotes are where it’s at:

There is nothing more empowering than reading a female empowerment quote that resonates with your soul wholeheartedly. You do realize that THAT is how your soul communicates with you at times? It’s trying to show you that what you resonate with is also another way of your heart communicating to you.

It’s easy to say that quotes are empowering and can make us feel good. But do know that the inspiration you feel from reading female empowerment quotes you’re able to take inspired action? Action that is literally guided by your heart and soul as one?

Yeah, pretty fascinating right? Quotes are always an amazing way to show us a way back to ourselves, with the most loving intentions.

Everyone deserves quotes to help inspire them, and we each have quotes that speak to us at different times and in different cycles in our lives.

There is a lot we can accomplish by just reading over female empowerment quotes just by allowing to deeply feel them and letting them guide us.

I hope that these quotes ring true to your soul and that you are able to take something away from any of these.

If you’d love to visit more quotes, you can go to the all-genre quotes page right here!

female empowerment quotes

“The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you’ve come.” -Bangtan Boys, Butterfly

Sometimes we look back for the wrong reasons. We wish we did something different or we wish something didn’t happen. Whatever the reason may be, don’t be so hard on yourself. The moment has passed and it’s time to accept it and move forward. No point in dwelling in the past when you can be working towards the present and your future. There are just some things we can’t take back and it is what it is. But that’s okay because all of those things were part of your growth and who you are now. Learn from the lessons and let them guide you in the direction you want to go. Be easy on yourself and move forward, because the best version of you is awaiting you!

When you learn how much you're worth, you'll stop giving people discounts

“When you learn how much you’re worth, you’ll stop giving people discounts.” -Karen Salmansohn

You’re far more valuable than you can ever imagine. You are more than enough. Don’t hang with humans who don’t see you’re worth. It takes time to learn to love yourself and to acknowledge how enough you are. But if you surround yourself with people who don’t make you feel that way, then it’s time to find a new tribe and linger towards people who do. You have to take the time to connect to the fact that you are everything and more. It’s so, so important for yourself.

You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right

“You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right.” -Rosa Parks

Doing the right thing is the most admirable trait one can have. Don’t worry about whether other people notice it or not- that’s not why you are doing it. You’re doing it because it’s the right thing to do; because it positively benefits not only you but it’s good for the world too. When in doubt, do the right thing and you won’t lose sleep over it.

female empowerment quote

“Never accept anything less than you deserve.”

Do not lower yourself to somebody else’s standards. You have your standards for a reason- that is who you are, and that is how you will achieve everything and anything you want in life. Do not accept anything (love, friendship, etc.,) from anyone who is not giving it to you the way you feel you deserve it. Life is too short for mediocracy, and you’re way too badass to accept that.

confidence has no competition

“Confidence has no competition.”

It’s not about competition ladies; it’s about becoming the best version of yourself that you can be. It’s about gaining the skills and qualities you want in yourself that you admire about others. It’s about making yourself better and strong every single day to help empower those around you. It’s about using what you got to your advantage and trying to excel even further in helping others. It’s about coming together and joining to make a bigger difference.

You get in life what you have the courage to ask for

“You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.” -Oprah Winfrey 

What do you want in life? Go after those things, ask for those things, stop at nothing to get those things. Life is what you make it. You get out of it what you go after. Go for those things and claim them as your own and they will be. Sick of being broke? Research strategies and ways to get rich, implement those things, work hard, and get what you want. That’s how life works with anything you want. You get out of it what you’re willing to adventure out and seek.

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