Empathetic listening

Welcome to your Emotional Sanctuary

Life’s challenges, emotional overwhelm, and the need to feel heard can often leave us feeling stuck or misunderstood. Here, you’ll find a safe, compassionate space to explore your emotions, gain clarity, and reconnect with your true self.

Whether you’re looking for a space to vent, need guidance through life transitions, or are seeking a deeper connection with your intuition, I’m here to listen—deeply and empathetically—and offer intuitive coaching to help you heal, grow, and thrive.

The Power of Empathetic Listening

In our fast-paced world, we often carry more within us than we realize—unspoken thoughts, unprocessed emotions, and unshared experiences. Sometimes, we don’t even know how much we’ve been holding onto until we have the chance to let it all out.

Empathetic listening offers a safe space to release these emotions and thoughts without judgment or interruption. It’s more than just having someone hear your words—it’s about being deeply understood, validated, and supported. When we allow ourselves to speak freely in a compassionate environment, we often experience a profound sense of relief and clarity.

Benefits of Empathetic Listening:

  • Emotional Relief: The act of talking through your feelings can help release built-up tension and stress. Often, clients are surprised by how much lighter they feel after just one session.
  • Increased Self-Awareness: When you speak your truth and are truly heard, it helps you connect with your inner thoughts and feelings. This leads to new insights about yourself and your journey.
  • Healing and Clarity: Empathetic listening allows you to process unresolved emotions and find clarity in situations that once felt confusing or overwhelming.
  • A Safe Space: You’ll have a non-judgmental space where you can express yourself fully. Whether you need to vent, share a challenge, or simply be heard, you are welcome.

Many people don’t realize how much they’ve needed to talk things out until after they’ve experienced it. In the moments following a listening session, you may notice a sense of emotional release that helps you move forward with more peace, clarity, and confidence.

What I Offer:
1:1 Empathetic Listening Sessions

These sessions are perfect for those who need a compassionate ear to listen without judgment. You’re free to talk through anything on your mind—emotions, challenges, stressors, or even your spiritual journey. I’ll offer empathy, comfort, and validation, helping you feel lighter and more centered after the session.

  • 30-Minute Listening Session – $30
  • 60-Minute Listening Session – $50
Schedule Appointment

Intuitive Coaching for Personal Growth

For clients looking to dive deeper into emotional healing and self-awareness, my intuitive coaching sessions will guide you through emotional and spiritual blocks. We’ll work together to identify patterns, discover new perspectives, and create actionable steps for personal growth. These sessions focus on helping you connect with your inner voice and navigate through life’s transitions with more clarity and confidence.

  • 45-Minute Intuitive Coaching Session – $60
  • 60-Minute Intuitive Coaching & Emotional Block Clearing – $75
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Monthly Support Package

For those looking for consistent guidance and support, the Monthly Support Package offers you a combination of listening and coaching sessions that fit your unique needs. Together, we’ll build momentum on your personal growth journey with regular check-ins, emotional support, and tailored coaching to keep you aligned and thriving.

  • 2 x 45-Minute Sessions per Month (Listening or Coaching) – $100
  • 4 x 60-Minute Sessions per Month (Combination of Listening & Coaching) – $180
Schedule Appointment

Why Work With Me?

  • Empathy & Compassion: I offer a safe space where you can express yourself without fear of judgment. Whether you need to vent, share your thoughts, or reflect on life’s complexities, I am here to listen.
  • Intuition & Spiritual Insight: Using intuitive guidance, I help you explore the deeper emotional and spiritual patterns in your life, offering fresh perspectives and actionable steps toward personal growth.
  • Deep Understanding: I’ve been on my own journey of emotional healing and spiritual growth, and I understand how overwhelming life’s transitions can feel. My goal is to help you feel seen, heard, and supported as you navigate your own path.

How It Works

Empathetic listening
  1. Book Your Session: Choose the service that best suits your needs—whether it’s a short listening session or a more in-depth coaching session. Use the booking link below to select a time that works for you.
  2. Experience Deep Listening & Support: During the session, you’re free to share whatever is on your heart. I’ll listen, guide, and help you process emotions with empathy and understanding.
  3. Walk Away with Clarity & Comfort: After our session, you’ll feel lighter, clearer, and more connected to yourself, ready to take the next steps on your journey.
Ready to feel heard?

Client Testimonials:

“I didn’t realize how much I needed a space to vent and be heard until I booked my first session. I felt so supported and understood.”
Sarah M.

“The intuitive coaching sessions have been life-changing. I gained a new perspective on my emotional patterns and finally started making progress in areas I’ve felt stuck for years.”
Emma P.

About Me

I’m here because I know what it feels like to navigate deep emotions, life transitions, and the desire for personal growth. My own journey has taught me the power of being truly heard and seen, and now I’m honored to offer that same support to others. Whether you’re in need of a compassionate listener or someone to help guide you through emotional or spiritual blocks, I’m here to walk with you on your journey to clarity and healing.

Book a Session Today

Ready to start? Book your session below and take the first step toward feeling heard, supported, and empowered on your journey.


Pricing Overview

  • 30-Minute Listening Session: $30
  • 60-Minute Listening Session: $50
  • 45-Minute Intuitive Coaching Session: $60
  • 60-Minute Intuitive Coaching & Emotional Block Clearing: $75
  • Monthly Support Package (2 x 45-Minute Sessions): $100
  • Monthly Support Package (4 x 60-Minute Sessions): $180

Contact Me

If you have any questions or want to learn more about my services, feel free to reach out to me directly at olyabarnett@gmail.com. I’m always here to listen.

empathetic listening intuitive coaching emotional healing