How to Let Go of Control and Flow Through Life

flow through life

Here’s the deal:

Learning how to successfully flow through life can be difficult as we learn to let go of control. Up until recently, we thought we were doing ourselves a favor by controlling every possible experience. Instead, however, we were merely chasing away the Universe’s magic for us by closing the doors to what we thought was to be.

“Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead, let life live through you. And do not worry that life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?” -Rumi

We are so afraid of life happening around us that we try to control everything to prevent things from going wrong instead of letting them work out the right way; the natural way. And that leaves us not only exhausted but barely having lived at all.

This is where the magic of flow comes in:

One thing I am truly trying to work on is surrendering to the Universe and just letting go. This is hard because we’ve been conditioned otherwise for the majority of our life.

So sometimes when it seems like nothing is going right, we have to stop and surrender to our idea of what the idea of right is at that moment. By doing this, I am more open to flow naturally with the Universe and what it has to offer.

This is so much easier said than done. But getting in the flow doesn’t have to feel impossible or difficult.

One way that I practice this is by journaling every single day about what kind of control I want to let go of that day. But I can run into trouble when doing this.

The enemy and the lesson within:

Fear is something that comes up often for me. But within that fear is always a lesson for me; something to overcome within myself. A lesson to expand.

No matter the fear, I always ask WHY that fear exists until I get to the bottom of it. I try to be consciously aware of this and make decisions from love rather than fear to eradicate it.

Our ego operates from fear and our soul operates from a place of unconditional love. Love is always the truth; always from Source itself.

Every day, I practice letting go of some control to allow flow in. I surrender that feeling to the Universe. And then I wait for the guidance that comes shortly after that will lead me naturally into the direction I am meant to go.

The Magic:

And let me tell you, it’s LIBERATING AF to let go of something that is not serving you; to surrender and let it be what it is by simply accepting it.

That’s one kind of change. A conscious change that I invited into my life deliberately to make it better (and easier) for myself and my life.

There’s also another type of change. The kind that comes bouldering into our life that wasn’t welcome nor a change we could have predicted.

There’s no way of controlling these changes. And what comes next is a reaction or a response. The conscious response is far more beneficial than an egoistic (hurt) reaction.

The conscious response is deliberately acknowledging how that change can help you, why it’s here for you, and to recognize the lessons, and to adapt and grow.

There’s that or doing nothing but feeling awful and letting it control you (aka reacting). In some cases controlling you so much, you may go down a path you’re not entirely keen about but have deeper learning to partake in.

Accept yourself and where you are no matter where you are right now:

Each journey is perfect no matter where you are. Please be gentle with yourself no matter which direction it goes into – trust the lessons it has to teach you.

When we learn to flow with life naturally, we can learn to not only enjoy our journey, but we can also recognize the beauty in life’s lessons that the Universe is offering to us through our emotions and our experiences.

If we let the Universe guide us, we can grow in ways that will accelerate everything we are looking for and more.

Surrender to having something or someone be a certain way.

Let go of making things outside of yourself happen.

Surrender your emotions of having to always keep up something or someone.

Let go of anything that feels anything but liberation.

Again, this is easier said than done. And you have to put in the work consciously if you want to see positive results that will enhance who you are as an individual and the life around you.

So, be gentle and patient with thyself.


You can either be in control of your response and surrender to the Universe and be open to its opportunities to learn and grow. Learning how to flow through life can be everything that you’re looking for but bypassing.

OR, you can control everything from the outside and make it 10x harder for yourself than it has to be.

You are always the answer to you. You are the solution to your problems.

If this is something you need help with, you would benefit from my coaching! Reach out to me and let’s grow and enjoy life together!


flow through life

1 thought on “How to Let Go of Control and Flow Through Life”

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