How to Achieve Pure Happiness in 7 Minutes

Because learning how to achieve happiness begins with you!

how to achieve happiness

“When you love what you have, you have everything you need.”

Learning how to achieve happiness can be easy, fun, and enjoyable! Here is a small and quick exercise that produces IMMENSE results in your life. And if you practice this daily, you won’t have to be searching for happiness in other places except within yourself.

Step one of this exercise is to set your intentions. Why?

Because as Wayne Dyer once said,

“Our intention creates our reality”

So before I do anything, I set my intentions on the outcome of what I want to do.

Even before journaling.

Even before expressing gratitude.

First, take out a piece of paper and a pen. *A journal would be best that way you can come back to this exercise daily.

You are going to set the intentions of what outcome you would like to produce from your journaling exercise. This should only take a couple of minutes.

This specific journaling exercise is all about expressing gratitude, so make sure your intentions resonate with you on how you want to feel at the end of it.

For example, I would write:

“At the end of this gratitude exercise, I want to feel internally grateful and happy with everything that I have in my life. I want to feel the pure bliss of feeling grateful. I want to recognize all the good in my life and stay as grateful for them as possible…”

Okay, have you have finished writing out your intentions? You can then begin to write down as many things as possible of all the things you are grateful for in your life and WHY!

The why is very important because it re-emphasizes to the Universe that you want to invite MORE of that feeling into your life.

As Michael Hyatt says,

“When you know your why, you’ll know your way”

For the next five minutes, make sure you have no other distractions besides your pen, paper, and a grateful brain.

Then, write down as many things as you can in those five minutes. Whether they were things happened throughout the day that made your day a little bit happier or things that you are generally feeling grateful for in your life.

Write down whatever resonates with your soul, because that is where the real value lies of expressing gratitude in meaningful and humble ways.

If you want to go the extra mile,

For superabundant results, I do this exercise every single morning for the things I’m grateful for generally (health, a home to live in, food available to me at all times, etc.,) in my life. At night, I write down five things I am grateful for THAT day and why.

In this short exercise, you can basically turn your mood upside down in all the best ways.

Something crucial to remember is that the more you practice the act of expressing gratitude, the more you invite those positive feelings to stay in your life! Of which will produce incredible results that you couldn’t even imagine appearing before you.

So the more you practice gratitude, the longer those positive feelings and results persist and linger!

After you’ve completed this exercise, I’d love to hear your results! How were your results at the end of your gratitude journaling? 

This is the easiest way to naturally elevate your vibrations and open up the getaways not only on how to achieve happiness inside out – but also to invite all the magic into your life!

Want to read more about happiness? Check out the hashtag page full of content HERE!

how to achieve happiness

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