How To Be Happy In 5 Simple Steps

how to be happy

Learning how to be happy does not have to be a complicated process! In this article, I will share with you my five simple steps of how to be happy and what may stop you from achieving happiness.

Before we answer this question, let’s address this important myth; becoming happy does not require winning the lottery or anything else that has to do with materialism. Nor can your happiness depend on other people – your partner, kids, friends, parents, etc., It is no one’s job to make you be happy. Anything that we are seeking internally to make us happy is merely a distraction from our own potential and what we already have within us. People are always trying to figure out how to be happy, and it doesn’t have to be a struggle to achieve – in fact, it can be as simple as you’d like!

Here are my five simple steps in how to be happy:

Be aware:

How often do you find yourself having an ‘in the moment’ realization? Anyone? That’s what I thought. During any time of the day, stop for a second and look around you. Be mindful. Take it all in. There’s a reason that people say life goes by fast, more often than not people do not stop just to take it all in. Give that gift to yourself; you deserve it. One way to enhance this skill is by incorporating meditation into your life. When you can deliberately stop your mind from running – the more you can be aware and present with where you are.

Do what makes you happy:

This doesn’t have to be some ‘grand gesture’ or writing that next best seller (unless you want to ). But this is simpler than that, this is what makes you happy right now, right here? What makes your soul jump out of you with joy? For me, I enjoy sitting outside in great weather with a book in my hand is one of my favorite activities. I love nature and I find it super healing that can naturally bring on happiness in the present moment. Other times,  my happiness revolves around spending time with humans that I love. I enjoy doing these things, it interests me and puts me in a great mood. Other days, I love coloring, writing, or creating quotes. Find something that makes you smile and improves your mood, and try to do/be around that every day. Even just five minutes of doing something that you love will enhance your mood.

Be grateful:

This is not something we often remember to do, so let me make this manageable for you: set a time for yourself to be grateful. For me, I like to do this right before I go to bed. I think of everything that I was thankful for that day and say my thanks for my friends, my family, my yummy dinner, etc., it could be as simple as that cup of coffee you had this morning. Being (/feeling) grateful leads you to happiness faster than you can breathe in, you may not notice right away, but the more grateful you are; the happier you become over time.

how to be happy jim carrey

When given choices, go with the one that makes you happier:

This seems so simple, right? But it’s harder for those that are juggling a lot of things at once and may prioritize one side over another. Perhaps they will pick the job that they hate that pays more money, instead of the one they love but makes not as much money. The thing about this, however, is that when we learn to make conscious choices that serve our soul, we will always be supported and provided for by the Universe just for honoring ourselves. The easiest choices come from your heart.

Help someone out:

Whether it’s opening the door for somebody or texting a friend who is going through a rough patch – genuinely helping others makes everyone feel better. It’s an easy win-win situation. Not only that, but one author, Martin Seligman, in his book Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being, suggests,

“…We scientists have found that doing a kindness produces the single most reliable momentary increase in well-being of any exercise we have tested.

So helping somebody will make you happier, there’s data on that!

It’s that simple! Five easy steps on how to be happy that take only a tiny bit of your time – perhaps as little as 30 seconds a day. How much is your happiness worth?

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3 thoughts on “How To Be Happy In 5 Simple Steps”

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