Quickest therapy and bodily release of e(motions) that no longer serve your highest good:
Today, we’re talking about how to feel your feelings and then letting go of those residual e(motions) that reside in you but no longer serve your highest good or, simply said, the now-version-of-you. It’s a simple but powerful practice to allow yourself to feel your feelings, and then when you’re ready, to let them go.
We all have emotions, and it’s a human right to be able to work through those emotions to help ourselves in this crazy life journey. But school doesn’t teach us this. So we need to learn it on our own because life is insane at times, and if we don’t give ourselves permission to let go of our emotions, then they reside with us and turn into the baggage that we carry (and then project unto others or stop the good from coming to us.)
It’s not easy, however, to sit with these emotions and release them. Oftentimes, it is hard to go back to that place and experience that f*cked us up in the first place. Seeking out a professional to speak to can help guide you through this practice. But if we decide to avoid these emotions within us and to push them away, we will miss our opportunity not only to learn and grow but to have the life we still yearn for without feeling stuck in the past.
Once you’ve taken the time to sit with and process your feelings, it’s time to let them go. This doesn’t mean you are no longer allowing yourself to feel your feelings. It just means you have allowed yourself to experience and process it, and now it’s time to move on.
Here are four ways to let those emotions go:
Write your feelings down:
On a daily basis, you can take five minutes and journal how you are feeling right now or about a particular subject. Give it some intentional time, and then let it go. Automatic writing is a great practice for jotting down what comes up without thinking too hard about it. Don’t judge or perfect your writing, just write down what you’re feeling and see what comes out.
Breathing exercise:
When you’ve set your intention, begin by taking deep breaths to help calm you down and clear your mind. You can even focus on the breath and use it as an anchor for when you start to feel overwhelmed. Focus on a subject you’re trying to lean into, and feel the emotions knowing you’re [outside-in] – almost like watching yourself meditate from the other side of the room. Just observe what comes up and feel exactly what you’re trying to push away. Give it some intentional breathing by releasing them through your out-breath and breathing in light, love and support.
Movement is one of the easier and funner way to move through your emotions by incorporating motion. After all, emotions are just energy in motion. So set your intentions and turn on a song, and dance out whatever comes through. Don’t judge yourself, and let it come out.
Sharing them with a trusted friend or family member:
There’s no reason to go through this alone if you don’t want to, and it may help empower yourself by sharing with others. Talking with a trusted friend or family member can help give you perspective and help you process your emotions constructively. Seeking a therapist can also help guide you through these healing experiences.
If we don’t get these residual emotions out of us, we will continue carrying them with us. And your body will be more prone to dis(ease).
No matter how you choose to acknowledge your feelings, understand that as you let it go, you’re inviting in new experiences and feelings that serve your highest good – in addition to your healing, of course!
Also, this a gentle reminder to ease up on yourself when you’re going through this process; after all, there’s nothing easy about visiting unwanted areas. So prepare and plan according and, when ready, let it move through and out of you.
You got this!
I’m so excited about what’s to come next for you!
Tell me: what emotion do you need to let go of that you’ve held unto for too long?
Looking for books to help you with overcoming emotional release? Here are two of my favorites:
The Mountain is you by Brianna Wiest
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