How to Stay Positive During Difficult Situations

How to Stay Positive
Learning how to stay positive isn’t always easy, especially in situations where we feel even more weight than we feel that we can handle. The good news is that a) you can overcome it, and b) you’re made to!

There are ways that we can make ourselves feel a bit better during any negative situation, so here are a few tips that will help you figure out how to stay positive:

Look for your strength in every situation:

Sometimes it is hard to recognize that part of yourself in times of low-ness, but you have more within you than you could ever imagine; including the strength to get through it. Every experience that happens FOR us can enable us to go within and find the strength to get through it. How can you bring in your strength into times of hardship? For example, I have a positive mindset which helps me look at life a little bit differently and expand that view to others.

Do something you enjoy:

During these struggling times, it’s hard to prioritize happiness. Most of the time, we feel that we shouldn’t be happy during those times as there is no room for it or that it’s inappropriate. But who says you can’t learn how to be positive by continuing to partake in things you enjoy doing? Whether it feels better to spend time with loved ones, or diving into your art, or anything else that enables you to stay positive, continue to show up for yourself.

Take the time to reflect:

I think journaling is even more magical when you’re going through hardships than other times as it allows you to see the bigger picture sometimes. When you use the time to write down your thoughts you are able to acknowledge not only your feelings but different perspectives on the situation as well. Having a clear mind will enable you to think better. It’s also a good way to stop avoiding your feelings and dealing with the situations in a healthy way.

Know that there’s always an upside:

This may be the hardest to read, but there is a positive in every situation. There’s always a lesson for all involved, no matter how bad the situation is. You usually learn a lesson and become stronger in the end. Sometimes, you don’t figure it out right away. Don’t be too hard on yourself, sometimes lessons show up in their own divine timing and we must trust that.

Keep in mind it’s not the end:

Nothing is permanent, including this struggle you’re currently in. Everything comes to an end eventually. I’m sure that you have heard of this quote: “If it’s not okay, then it’s not the end.” After the rain comes the rainbow followed by sunshine and light. The best way to get through anything is to just be and get through it as best as you can, and that will always enough.

Life is just a huge roller coaster ride, everyone has ups and downs and no, there is no magical route to avoid it. We’ve got to play both sides of the coin in this game of life. But that’s doesn’t mean that we can’t learn how to stay positive even through difficult times. The only thing that really matters is how well you are able to react to the situations that will determine the kind of person you will come out as in the end.

You are doing better than you think, yet you are also exactly where you need to be as that is where you are right now. Trust it, allow it to work for you. Allow it to teach you what it needs to and, as gracefully as you can, move through it towards the light at the end of the tunnel.

You got this!

I sincerely hope that these recommendations can help you during your tough times!

2 thoughts on “How to Stay Positive During Difficult Situations”

  1. Pingback: How Positive Thinking Changes Your Life: Positivity Sparkles: Positive

  2. Pingback: How To Deal With Difficult People And Maintain Your Composure

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