How to Turn your Negative Experiences into Positive Life Experiences

How to Turn your Negative Experiences into Positive Life Experiences

Positive life experiences can be shifted from negative ones, but only if we are willing to go back and reshift our minds.

I think visiting your past can be difficult. You may not necessarily want to go back to those days and remember who you were or how you felt. Especially if those times really sucked.

But it’s important. It’s crucial that you go back and see how each of your experiences has affected you and shaped you and your beliefs about yourself and the world around you.

No matter how ambitious we may be, we all have fears that stem from experiences that we have had along the way which, eventually, make their way into our subconscious mind where they will live on until we deal with it proactively.

How beliefs show up for me:

When it comes to my own goals, my mind gets excited by them, and it drives me towards action. However, I have fears that come up almost immediately that stop me from what my soul was just singing to me. And it’s annoying, and confusing to deal with, especially in the beginning when you’re not exactly sure how to deal with them effectively.

I can either sweep it back under the rug, or I can let the monster (emotions of my experiences) come out to play and DEAL with them effectively.

If we can’t move past our fears, they will continue to circle back around in many different ways throughout our lives.

positive life

I have previously spoken about how some of my life experiences (i.e., being an orphan for so long, divorced parents, relationship problems, etc.,) ultimately resulted in making me feel ‘unworthy.’ Was it my fault that I felt that way? No. That’s just how I responded to my life events. It wasn’t deliberate that I picked up on these beliefs, but as a child (and an unaware adult) I never realized it until later on.

Even worse: through every new experience that I encounter, it’s easy to go back to storing more of those feelings of unworthiness which ultimately ends up in my subconscious and now has become normal. Which only digs the hole deeper; making the climb harder.

We have to wake up to our stories and what we MAKE them mean versus what we WANT them to mean. This is how we reshape our mindsets in order TO have a positive life.

For example, this is what I have figured out so far for myself:

Being an orphan for nearly nine years ultimately made me feel like I was unworthy because I couldn’t get adopted for so long. But the Universe SHOWED me that my circumstances are NOT me by eventually getting adopted. And by an AMAZING FAMILY. So my feeling of unworthiness disappeared (on the surface) but some had still been stored in my subconscious. So when my parents got divorced a few short years later, I went back to feeling unworthy because my mother had left to go back to France. And then, my stepmom comes into the picture. And as a young child, you don’t understand how this dating thing works, or simply said, you don’t understand why your dad has to go out with a new person that ISN’T your mother. But more on that and how this story develops later…

THIS WAS THE STORY that I have told myself for so long while storing the feelings with it. But it is a work in progress, and I’m working through it consciously and will come back to share more when I learn more.

positive life

The point of it is this:

We have to acknowledge our fears and where they come from (by repeatedly asking ourselves WHY), and then working through those NEGATIVE feelings. Because until we do; we won’t get too far, no matter how much our soul is calling us. That’s how taking control of a positive life works.

I’m learning to go back to as many experiences as I can and CHANGING (/reshaping) those stories that I previously taught/or was taught myself to feel negative about. Instead of continuing to feel bad about the experience, I ask myself what do I have to think and BELIEVE (beliefs are just repeated thoughts) about this situation to feel EMPOWERED and positive instead? How can I let these experiences drive me FORTH? Not hold me or my potential back.

I encourage you to do some deep self-acknowledgment and self-love work. I encourage you to look at your fears and ask yourself, ‘why am I feeling this way? And where is this coming from?’ If you’re not clear yet, then you’re not there yet- so keep digging.
When I began doing this work, I noticed that a lot of my fears stemmed from the same feeling, which in my case was unworthiness. For you, it may be something else.

You can’t help what you have picked up along the way. So don’t apologize for it. But you can change it once you acknowledge it. And if it’s negative, I recommend you get to work. Because until you do, your negativity will only be buried more and more into your subconscious.

The rest of your life starting right now is on you, so respond to it how you want it to be.

It’s not always easy, but the deep work is WORTH it. And it’ll help you practice self-awareness and choosing to live a consciously positive life by changing your story from negative to positive.

positive life

Our experiences are NOT meant to weaken us or stall us from moving in the direction that we want. Our stories are meant to empower us into being more resourceful and choosing to live consciously positive lives not only because we want to, but because we CAN. We are the decision-makers for our lives. We are the ones who shape our stories instead of letting them shape us.
And the best part? It sets you FREE.

There’s nothing better than liberation from your own turmoil that your experiences have shaped for you thus far.

There’s nothing better than surrendering those negative feelings and then forgiving yourself for having held onto those limiting beliefs along the way.

There’s nothing better than replacing your negative stories and beliefs with positive and empowering ones that help you not only MOVE forward but thrive too.

What was an experience for you that led you to feel a certain (negative) way that has stayed with you and played a role in your life far longer than it should have? How can you change that story around so it gives you POWER?

You create the story of your positive life. And you have the power to reshape and change your life. My question is, what are you doing about it?


2 thoughts on “How to Turn your Negative Experiences into Positive Life Experiences”

  1. Pingback: How To Develop A Positive Relationship With Money

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