You’re Made for MAGIC!

Understanding your potential is magic. Understanding the magic inside of you is everything. Learning about the light and magic within you only takes mere recognition and acceptance of yourself.

And we are all made to bring out our own light, no matter what that looks like. And that light IS the magic. Don’t underestimate your potential; what you can do. Don’t underestimate yourself and your dreams. They are only given to you.

Here’s my deal:

I’m extraordinarily stubborn.

I’m someone who knows what they want, goes after it, and settles for nothing less.

Back when I figured out that teaching elementary school was not my thing- I got REALLY stuck about what to do next.

And that bothered me. It bothered me for two reasons. One, I thought I was supposed to have life ‘figured out’ by 26- or at least the career aspect of it. And two, how could I NOT know what to do with my life?!

I knew the relationship I wanted to have, the friends I needed in my lief, where I was traveling to next. I knew everything I thought a 26-year-old should know. But my career? UGH.

I’m stubborn because I know what I like and dislike; what I want and don’t want. So I knew that I wouldn’t be settling for ANYTHING LESS than what I wanted to do.

And then I stumbled onto Lindsey Mango’s podcast BY ACCIDENT. And my decision was made by episode 1. 

“A life-coach?”

“What even is that?”

“Is that a real job?”

“Are you even old enough to know anything about life?”

I had NO idea what life coaching was- but boy did it ring my bells.

I loved it. Listened to every podcast I possibly could. Read every book. I couldn’t stop thinking or learning about it- ever.


I know it, and I STILL know it a year later.

This is my soul’s work. It’s what lights me up. THIS is passion!

I HAVE to show up for myself every single day if I want to teach others how to do the same. In the best ways that I can, and doing your best is enough.

What’s your deal?

And you know what? YOU can learn how to show up for yourself too.

Because you too can show up for what your soul is yearning for. You were given your desires for a reason. And it sure as hell wasn’t so you can sit on your butt and be ordinary.

You’re made for MORE. You’re made for MAGIC. And deep down, you KNOW THAT TOO.

Coaching signs up close THIS WEEKEND! If you’re stuck and can’t seem to find a way out of it – then it is time for you to come back to YOU and your soul’s desires. It’s time to come back to YOUR potential.



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