Overcoming Loneliness While Traveling: Lessons Learned

loneliness Overcoming Loneliness While Traveling Lessons LearnedBecause traveling isn’t always easy…

You know you’re starting out on a new adventure when you realize, just before midnight on New Year’s Eve, that you’ve never been so alone in your life. As a traveler, loneliness can be a real challenge, but it’s important to learn how to overcome it.

When I decided to move to Australia after finishing undergrad, I was more focused on the adventure than the lack of comfort being surrounded by close friends and family. But after arriving, the reality of my situation hit me hard. I was completely alone, in a new country, with no real plan. The feeling was overwhelming, and I didn’t know how to deal with it.

Here are some ways I learned to cope with loneliness while traveling:

  1. Acknowledge your thoughts: Overthinking can be a good or a bad thing, but when you’re lonely, it’s important to reflect on your feelings. Take the time to think deeply and concentrate on the important things. This will help you make decisions faster and better.
  2. Get out and explore: Traveling is all about exploring, so take advantage of it. Whether you have a map or not, get outside and see the places you’ve dreamed of. This will boost your confidence and help you forget about being lonely.
  3. Talk to people: When you’re alone, it’s easy to stay in your own head. But talking to people can be a great way to combat loneliness. Step out of your comfort zone and strike up a conversation with someone. You’ll be surprised at how many people are willing to chat.
  4. Write: Writing is a great way to clear your head and get away from your thoughts if they become negative or overwhelming. Use it as a tool to reflect and document your journey.
  5. Embrace the experience: Loneliness may get a bad reputation, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It enables us to find ourselves and understand ourselves more deeply. If we choose to look at it differently, we can push the negative part of loneliness out and embrace the experience.

It’s been a month since that lonely New Year’s Eve, and I’ve met loads of people, explored parts of the city that aren’t part of the guidebook, and now I’m on a tour in Tasmania with 18 wonderful people. And this is only the beginning. There are many more adventures in store.

So, if you’re feeling lonely while traveling, know that it’s okay. It’s part of the experience, and it doesn’t have to ruin your trip. Embrace it, explore, and make connections. You’ll come out stronger and more enriched for it.

“Loneliness may get a bad reputation, but it enables us to find ourselves and understand ourselves more deeply.”

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2 thoughts on “Overcoming Loneliness While Traveling: Lessons Learned”

  1. Sounds like your figuring it all out! Hope your still enjoying it all!! Looking forward to your return!

  2. Completely relatable! It’s good to be out on your own although it can get lonely. Then again, some people are lonely in a room full of people. Be courageous! My grandmother told me many times, “If you can’t stand your own company, no one else will be able to stand it either.” I have learned sometimes, you need be your own best friend. Safe travels.

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