The Soul-Seekers Guide to Getting Out of Your Own Way

The Soul-Seekers Guide to Getting Out of Your Own Way

Disclaimer: The Soul-Seekers Guide to Getting Out of Your Own Way is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. The content on Olya Barnett Coaching is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition.

Are you READY to getting out of your own way?

Do you find yourself:

  • Stagnated in where you currently are?
  • Irritated by the conditions around you?
  • Wanting to do the inner-work but not feeling its success?
  • struggling with self-worth and valuing the human that you are?
  • Struggling to understand why things in your life are the way they are?
  • Afraid of change and obstacles?
  • Blaming others for the way YOU feel?
  • Struggling with the mama (or lack-there-of) in your life?

If so, you have come to the right place chica!

I have created an automated (you get it when you buy it) program that dives deep into all personal and spiritual growth!

In , you will walk away with:

  • How to get out of your own way by understanding and developing your self-worth
  • Learning about why life is throwing you obstacles and how to overcome them as your highest-self.
  • You’ll begin to understand what the mother wound is and learning how to heal and nurture yourself through it.
  • How to get out of your own way using your Emotional Guidance System (EGS) through almost anything
  • Developing your understanding of personal and spiritual growth with tools that will last you a lifetime.
  • A deeper connection, understanding, and value of yourself.

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The Soul-Seekers Guide to Getting Out of Your Own Way-

The MODULES are as follows:

Module 1: Understanding and Developing Your Self-Worth

Nobody should lose their sense of self-worth. Nobody should have to ever feel less than no matter what experience.

We as souls having this human experience are never meant to lose our worth- so why do *most* of use lose it before we even realize what it is?

We are meant to feel empowered.

We are meant to feel enough.

We are meant to always feel whole.

So if you’re someone who is struggling with:

  • Understanding self-worth on a spiritual level
  • Feeling unworthy and enough in any aspect of their life
  • Understanding and valuing your self-worth
  • Recognizing their self-worth wholeheartedly
  • Any MANY MORE!

…Then THIS is for you!

In this module we are teaching what self-worth is, where it comes from (and how it gets lost.) We learn how to overcome our inner-dialogue and beliefs in working FOR us instead of AGAINST us.

We tackle where we got in our own way and how to get out of our own way when it comes to all things self-worth and understanding your value.

If you’re ready to:

  • Become empowered by who you are
  • Dive deep into this work from within
  • Commit to your personal and Spiritual Growth
  • Overcome your limiting beliefs
  • Achieve empowering tools and tips to help you show up as your BEST-selves…

…then THIS is for you!

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Module 2: Rising Above Obstacles and Challenges

Us humans can be so much in our own way that all we do is create an inner world of chaos and a huge mess!

You feel that your soul is SO READY for life and to make the most of it, but we can’t seem to know, let alone get out of, our own way.

For some, we don’t even know that we are our own problem. I get that. I’ve been there. We simply don’t understand WHY things are not working out the way our sours desires to even though we really are currently doing our best.

  • We follow our souls and go after our dreams
  • We practice personal and Spiritual growth but can’t seem to quite to understand what’s going on
  • We face challenges head on yet blame life for them

When obstacles or challenges arise, we may:

  • React instead of respond
  • Not welcome and resist the change
  • Lack the clarity of why it’s happening and it messes with our view of ourselves
  • Blame life and others for our problems
  • Expect others to change yet are unwilling to ourselves
  • Be afraid of moving forward after the change/obstacle

…That’s just to name a few!

But GUESS what!?


  • Change how we experience obstacles
  • Learn, grow and transform through anything
  • Be elevated to a new level by responding according to our soul
  • Walk away from any problem the human our soul’s intended for us to be

If you’re looking to teach yourself about your soul and the evolution of it…

If you want to learn how to tackle any obstacle head-on WHILE understanding where it’s coming from…

If you want to TRANSFORM into the woman your soul is meant to be..


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Module 3: Coping With and Healing the Mother Wound

Are you someone who:

  • Struggles with your mother-figure (mom, stepmom, any other mother figure, or no mother at all) in your life but wants to learn about and heal your relationship and wounds?
  • Wants to learn and understand why the wound exists and persists
  • Wants to understand the relationship more and how to overcome it to the best of your souls’ ability
  • Has a lot of anxiety or limiting beliefs centered around the mother-figure in her life

Here’s the deal:

A LOT of us women are doing this work in this lifetime. A lot of us are here to work through this specific wound alone. A lot of us women may even admit to *not* having mommy issues, I get it – I was stuck there too. But in all honestly, most of us females do have them to some degree. The more direct way instead of referring them to ‘mommy issues’ is to own up to the fact that this mother-ISSUE is a mother WOUND.

Yes, you read that correctly.

And there’s A LOT of us women who wish our relationship with our mother-figures were different, better, more…motherly?

And we can get in our own way about it by resisting the current relationship or belief about it because it’s not the ‘right one’ in our eyes.

We are all worthy and deserving of the ‘ideal mother-daughter relationship.’ We deserve to feel an abundance of these mama-nurturing vibes. But when we get upset about our current condition or neglect to own up to having these issues, we can get in our own way of resisting the understanding and the best of our current situation.

When we are sabotaging and perpetuating these wounds, it feels like:

  • A lot of resentment that gets projected in other ways (anger, reactive, etc.,)
  • Frequently feeling upset and unfulfilled
  • Stress and anxiety about this mother figure
  • Lack of understanding why this is happening to me and what to do about it
  • A toxic environment for yourself

…and these are just SOME of the *feels* we got going on.

The GREAT NEWS about all this is that you can do something about it, and it begins with awareness, knowledge, and the willingness to OVERCOME this for your soul.

You don’t have to continue making your life feel more constrictive. In fact, you can feel expansive instead…but the only way to get there is to DO THIS WORK!

This is what Module 3 is ALL ABOUT! I give you the tips and tricks to help you grow aware of and move past your current situation to one that benefits you while simultaneously TRANSFORMING you.

  • If you’re ready to vastly reduce that anxiety…
  • If you’re’ ready to learn, grown, and begin your healing process…
  • And if your soul resonates with this message…


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The Soul-Seekers Guide to Getting Out of Your Own Way is for the soul who is READY to:

  • Use self-awareness to her advantage
  • Work through their inner-chaos
  • Learn about themselves, their wounds, and the inner-work that will positively benefit their life
  • Implement new personal and spiritual growth strategies in their life to help them grow
  • And who is ready to TRANSFORM into the human your soul intended for you to be…


This is NOT for the person who:

  • Wants to be told what to do without accountability
  • Is waiting to be fixed by another human
  • Wants the answers to solve their problems fast
  • wants the ‘quick’ fix

This is for the person who is ready to COMMIT to her growth, is ready to take ACCOUNTABILITY, and is ready to heal and transform herself!

This is for the soul who is ready to understand herself and her problems on a deeper and Spiritual level.

This is for the woman who is READY to get out of her own way and be on the way to her BEST and HIGHEST-SELF possible!

This is for the woman who is ready for her inner and outer TRANSFORMATION!

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Disclaimer: The Soul-Seekers Guide to Getting Out of Your Own Way is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. The content on Olya Barnett Coaching is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition.

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