“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” -Winston Churchill

Are you afraid of growth, or are you eager to grow?

Are you afraid to go into the unknown, or are you yearning for it?

Are you a soul-seeker who is continuously on the search for more in life but unsure of how to get it or feel quickly unfulfilled if you do?

Are you someone who sees opportunities for positivity and growth in any situation?

Are you on a soul mission to work through anything that comes your way because you know that you have magic within you?

Every opportunity that comes knocking on our doors (sometimes forcefully because life just happens) will ask of us what our soul came here to do. The difference is in how you respond to those opportunities.

When your soul is itching to RISE up, when your soul is itching for the transition it knows you must undergo for you own highest-good (as well as the highest good of the planet)..you mustn’t ignore that inner voice. Whether your human self knows or not- your soul is here to do the work that will enable you to live and thrive instead of succumbing to the conditions that society has taught us.

Yes, it’s hard to get out of your own way, especially when you don’t know you’re in your own way. I get that, I was there too. But are you going to wait your entire life to begin living the life you yearn for or are you willing to settle to avoid your own fears and those around you?

The Soul-Seekers Guide to Getting Out of Your Own Way is aimed to empower your soul to learn, grow, and transform in a way that will serve you instead of in a way that works against you.

If you’re not sure which mentality you’re operating from then I encourage you to ask yourself these questions:

“Is the way I respond to life serving me (making me feel good) or working against me (making me feel shitty)?”


“Do I think that I am capable to go into the unknown, and to rise into the soul who I am meant to be, or am I okay living life like I have been my whole life?”

CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE about this automated program!

And if you haven’t already, don’t forget to follow me on IG for more content like this at @positivitysparkles

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