“Bury your past. Let flowers grow where you lay.” -Unknown

“Bury your past: Let it go. Let flowers grow where you lay: what have you learned from this experience that can help you BLOOM into the better and the authentic version of you?”

You cannot really move into 2021 nor be satisfied with it at the end of the year if you have not reflected on this past one and all that it has taught you.

Each year encourages us to let go of the old ‘us’ and to make room for the new. We are, after all, here to evolve; not stay the same. But we have to actually take the time to reflect before space is made for the new.

When you are laying something to rest, you’re celebrating its life, being grateful for all that it has taught you, and letting it go. When one chapter ends, another begins.

As you think back to 2020, what has it taught you? And I don’t mean the negatives – the grudges you have yet to let go of, the people you have yet to forgive, the negative experiences that caused you to be negative yourself, etc.,

What I mean is:

What has this year taught you about yourself? In 2020, what did this year bring for you that can’t be taken away from you? Which experiences can you use to get closer to the higher truth of who you are? What has made you stronger? Empowered you?

My own growth:

I realized that I no longer resonated with the old stories that I told myself – they became so repetitive that they left me stagnant. Now I’m able to move closer to my truth; my higher self. I made a list of all the things that no longer resonate with me – the stories, lessons, limiting beliefs, thoughts, actions and I thanked them for doing their job and moving me forward, and then I let them go – setting intentions for what I am ready for, and – most importantly making space to show up for that.

It’s hard to see what you’re ready for and setting the intentions if you haven’t really examined the last chapter to know what you want to happen next.

It can be really hard to let go of the past, especially since it is all that we know. The future is unknown and that can be scary indeed. But it can also be magical and surprising in the best ways if we are willing to do the work.

Bury your past by letting go of it – by dis-attaching to it and realizing that it is no longer. Everything in life is temporary. This is why we have to learn how to live in each and every single moment – good and bad. Everything comes to an end.

While everything comes to an end, each experience also gives us the tools to be able to learn something from the experience to be able to grow and evolve. That is evolvement and the direction of each and every one of our souls!

Bury that past girl and let it go. Allow it to play a bigger part in your life than the credit you’re giving it now.

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