Confidence is not, ‘they will like me.” Confidence is, “I’ll be fine if they don’t.” -Christina Grimmie

HAVE YOU EVER heard that quote, ‘you could be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, but they will always be someone who hates peaches? Well, it’s true- there will always be haters- some people thrive on that sh*t.⁣

And if you’re someone who cares about what others think then you’re also giving them permission to tamper with your thoughts and beliefs about yourself.⁣

SO. First- let that shit go. Take your power back. Don’t allow others to tell you who you are or who you will be. You are the ONLY one in charge of making that decision.⁣

So how do you want to think of yourself? Who are you? What are your strengths that you can embrace and use to lift you higher? What are the weaknesses that you can work through?⁣ How do you want to show up in this world and what is stopping you?⁣

The confidence is already WITHIN you. You’ve got to find the power within who you are as an individual and BRING THAT MAGIC OUT.

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