“Create your own sunshine.”

What I often don’t get to read about in all these self-help/self-growth guru articles (including mine – minus the guru part) is the emphasis on having fun.

I never read or hear about it, do you? This quote is what it’s all about!

Part of growing up (because you never really stop) is figuring what you like and love to do. And sometimes, the things we used to love to do as kids are still things we may love to do now. For example, I used to LOVE to color as a kid. I’d get one of those large velvet poster boards and a box of markers as a birthday or a holiday gift, and I would keep myself occupied for days to come. Even when I started to get allowance as a preteen, I’d walk to the art store in my neighborhood and buy more coloring books.

As an adult, when they came out with the Adult Coloring Books, I found myself running to the bookstore to purchase myself a copy and get some premium markers for it too (now that I’m an adult and can afford my own)!

It also became very therapeutic for me too, but I lucked out with that advantage just as you would if you enjoyed coloring too!

But my whole point is this: find your hobbies and have some fun. Life is short, and fun is crucial to having a good one!


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