“The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.” -Jim Carrey

In fifth grade, everyone had to pick a quote that they liked the most. I chose, “treat others how you wanted to be treated.” It resonated with me the most. My dad always said, “it’s easier to be kind than to be mean.” And to this day, with every human I interact with, young or old, I treat them as kindly as I possibly could. You feel good when you treat others well. In a way, it’s almost peaceful. Everyone- and I mean every single human on earth, is going through something. Big, small, terminal, not, etc., Everyone has a battle they are facing and you truly never know what people are going through. You don’t know if they are covering their face with a smile even though, deep down, they are struggling to stand. Always be kind. Always go out of your way to make others feel better. What you do onto others comes back to you. So choose kindness. Choose love. Choose to be the good human you were born to be. Do something today in the next 10 minutes that’s kind. Send a text, call a friend, post a nice comment, hold the door, whatever. Do something kind.

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