“If we resist our emotions, we resist being human.” -Magzster

I’ve been working at a summer camp, and it has been pretty fun! More fun than I expected anyway, but perhaps that’s because I’m just a big kid anyway 🤷‍♀️

Each day during our morning circle, we ask the kids to introduce themselves and a question of the day.

One particular morning, we asked: “Is it okay to cry?”

Nearly ALL 30 of these kids immediately shook their heads and said, “No!”

WHAT⁉️ These are 4, 5, 6-year-olds – all ranging to 12 😳

To say that I was stunned was an understatement. I was honestly more sad than anything else.

How INSANE is it that we are teaching kids to withhold their emotions? To bury them down and be “strong” instead?

I absolutely do not believe (especially having done this my whole life,) that it’s healthy to withhold emotions and suffer inside-out just so you can be “strong.”

If we don’t give permission to children (or anyone) to express how they feel, what does that mean for them exactly? What about when they are grownups 👀

My friend Magzster and I were having this convo yesterday and she said, “if we resist emotions, we resist being human.” 🤯

You can still teach others how to be strong WHILE honoring their emotions and allowing them to move through them and pass on. Emotions needn’t get neglected; otherwise, you’re doing nothing other than suppressing and hindering yourself and your strength.

Resilience is being able to overcome and survive any challenge you face – but you have to feel the emotion to let it go.

We are so afraid to feel because we’ve been trained to suppress. That’s not humane.

If you can face your emotions, you can face anything💥

More Quotes: http://positivitysparkles.com/quotes

Follow me on IG: @positivitysparkles

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