“Every experience is happening for you. Your job is to show up in your truth of which requires consistent courage.” -Positivitysparkles

Sometimes a break-up feels like a death. Would you agree? It feels like that because you lose somebody close to you, no matter who initiated the break-up or how it ends.

You mourn the person, the memories, the connection, etc., and it sucks; especially when it was good.

I do believe, however, that everything happens for a reason. I believe that the way you respond to life is everything.

Every experience is happening for you. Your job is to show up in your truth- of which requires consistent courage.

But if you can remind yourself that EVERY experience is serving you for the higher good, then the death can be seen more like a rebirth.

The old you may be dying- perhaps with that human- but your higher-self is being reborn.

And that has its own beauty and magic in store.

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