“Everyone has something to teach us if we are willing to have an open mind and listening ears.” -Positivitysparkles

Breakups can teach us so much about people as well as about ourselves.

When one journey ends, you can feel it. But you’re not supposed to be stuck in a hole forever about it, although that is definitely easier said than done during the process.

The beautiful part about anything coming to an end is being able to accept the flow of your life and being able to ride any wave that comes your way; you just have to keep moving.

I had a really long year of breaking up with a human who has taught me more about my life and myself than I could ever describe into words.

It wasn’t until the relationship really felt over that I realized what our entire relationship was about; learning how to unconditionally love those around us.

Being able to learn how to love unconditionally isn’t easy for everyone, and to me, with my trauma, it certainly wasn’t easy to learn or to surrender to.

But I can say that, after all is said and done, breakups teach us A LOT (and they are meant to!)

I’m so grateful that I had an amazing soul teach me all about unconditional love, and it isn’t just a gift – IT’S A BLESSING.

I couldn’t have asked for a better human to learn that from than John. He taught me something that I needed in my life without realizing it. And I honestly didn’t realize the HUGE picture of what I was meant to get out of this until the last few days.

It’s easy to hold a grudge or to stay stuck and in our own way. But the truth is, we have to continue moving – always and forever.

And to realize that every person that comes in and out of our life is meant to teach us something important. And if we are willing to have listening ears and hearts, we can gain more from any relationship than any of the negativity combined in all of life; we can learn about who we are as a whole and how to act as such, not for anybody else, but for ourselves.

So thank you to you booboo, for all that you have done and taught me. Thank you for all of the unconditional love you have always given out to everyone around you, myself being extra spoiled with it. I’m so grateful to have learned from such an amazing individual and consider myself so lucky.

Look around you, what have and what do your relationships around you teach you? Everyone has something to teach, we just have to keep our souls open and listening. 🌿

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