“Gratitude helps you see what is there, instead of what isn’t.”

Gratitude quotes are everything sometimes! What I mean by that is that when we practice gratitude, we turn what we already have into feeling like everything is #ENOUGH (including ourselves)!⁣

When we realize that what we have is enough, we invite fulfillment AND happiness into our lives.⁣

Gratitude quotes can help us so much yet we don’t put enough emphasis on this practice!

The most beautiful aspect about being grateful is looking at ALL that you have (that many others don’t) and being genuinely thankful for everything that your life is composed of (people, experiences, things, etc.,) By doing that- you are also inviting more to be grateful for into your life. AKA- MORE GOOD!⁣

So not only does the Universe LOVE when you’re thankful, but it also sends MORE to be grateful for your way.⁣

However, YOU are truly the one that mentally (and spiritually) benefits from practicing gratitude because you gain so much more than happiness; you gain recognition and VALUE of all that you already are and possess.⁣

Here’s a challenge for your week (especially if you’re feeling or coming from a place scarcity):⁣

Write down 5 Things that you are grateful for EACH evening from your day. It could be as small as your delicious cup of coffee or as big as making it through your day. It can be anything- just make sure it was something that made you feel GOOD, or better, etc., anything positive.⁣

THEN: Be very aware of how you are feeling and HOW the Universe is delivering more (small or big) things into your life. By the end of next Thursday- I want to hear what your results are!⁣

I’m not sharing this to *share an idea*; I’m sharing this because it WORKS. It’s worked for me and for a million others who have done this. Now I’m challenging YOU to take on this simple, yet effective practice and implement it into just 5 minutes of your day.⁣

I want to hear all about this at the end of your 7 days of gratitude! Comment something below that you’re grateful for ALREADY from today!⁣

Click here to follow @positivitysparkles on Instagram for more gratitude quotes and all other kinds of stories!

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