“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” -Aesop

Aesop breaks gratitude down really simple; you could always have more, but you could also have less. Always be grateful for what you have for some people have nothing at all. Life isn’t about how much you can acquire to look good. Life is about being happy with what you have, and you’ll always have more. Be grateful for everything and everything that puts a smile on your face- from the bed that you sleep in to the person that keeps you company through your struggles to the toothbrush to clean your teeth.

What Aesop is saying here is that gratitude can be the answer to our happiness inside out, we just have to cultivate it by literally putting energy into it! By practicing being grateful every day – whenever we can, but minimally on a daily basis. All it does is make us a magnet for miracles, what more could you ask for? Happiness is already within you, you just have to open that door!

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