“Love now.” -Positivity Sparkles


Love now! Be grateful for all that you have now. Whether it’s the person you share your joys and faults with or whether it’s the bed you get to wake up in happily. You could always have more, but you could also have less. Take a moment today to acknowledge all that you are thankful for, and it will only add up.

When you concentrate on the negative; on not ever having enough, then you’ll never be happy. You will always be searching for more even after acquiring what you’re looking for. It’s all about acknowledging and being thankful for the present.

So choose love NOW, choose gratitude NOW, choose the choices that empower you instead of disempowering you!

Everything in life is a choice, including how you get to show up for yourself and your life. Don’t wait for life to deliver you anything if you’re not willing to meet it halfway – even if that begins starting with your belief system! Don’t overthink it, life is short and you are here to cultivate and spread joy and love from the inside out! So begin today; love NOW!


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