“Love yourself now because one day ladies, when you’re 86, you’ll look back at all of your photos of yourself from when you were young, and you know what you’ll be thinking about yourself then? “DAMNNN. I didn’t even know how good I had it then. I wish I knew how beautiful, intelligent, and incredible I was and allowed myself to enjoy myself more than apologize for it.”

You have to learn to love yourself more now than ever before. And here’s why:

Do you know what I thought about and then realized before I posted that dancing video? What everybody would think. What my family would say. The judgments that people will form. And like 2039458x other things.

But do you know what I thought of this dancing vid? DAMN GIRL. You f*cking MOVE!

I have been on a journey of learning how to love myself and my body in one, and for me, dance has always been an easy getaway of connecting my mind and body to my soul. And I’m learning to embrace it, both privately and publicly. And I’m not ashamed of dancing in front of a camera and putting it up on the internet.

Because it’s not about what others will say or think, we all have thoughts and judgments within us for our own reasons to work out. No… it’s about ENJOYING YOURSELF RIGHT NOW. exactly where you are. exactly who you are at this moment today. Acknowledging the body that you’re in and how you want to feel.

Because as women, society norms have f*cked us. Confidence doesn’t come as easily as a child learning how to walk. We don’t have that support 🤣 There are too many people thinking they have a say for what women should be doing, looking like, etc.,. And for ANY women growing up, that’s incredibly stressful AND impactful on our self-esteem. Meanwhile, every man wants a confident woman🤣

LOVE YOURSELF TODAY. NOW. Because one day, when you’re 86, you’ll look back at all your photos of yourself from when you were young, and you know what you’ll be thinking about yourself then?

DAMNNN. I didn’t even KNOW how good I had it then. I wish I knew how beautiful, intelligent, and incredible I was and allowed myself to enjoy myself more than apologize for it.

Don’t waste your time hating on yourself or apologizing for who you are. Embrace that shit.

Enjoy yourself NOW – ALL of yourself. And if you want to post it on the internet because you’re learning how to embrace all of you then so be it.


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