Why do so many of us struggle to keep up a positive attitude throughout our day?

So many humans have such a difficult time maintaining positive thoughts and feelings throughout their day, and I want to share WHY that is and HOW to override this (unnecessary) misery that we create for ourselves.

I used to be someone who depended on life (my conditions) to let me know if it’ll be a good day or a bad day and revolve my entire mood based on my situations and what happens…which left me stuck, unfulfilled, and miserable.

AHH! That is NOT the way, nor does it obviously serve me. If we depend on the outside for how we show up daily, we are just giving our power up instead of owning it the way that we are meant to.

Here are a few ways to take control of your emotional and mental health daily REGARDLESS of what life throws at you today…

1. It all begins with positive (valid) conscious thoughts: YEAH! Did you know that your thoughts contribute to what emotions you’re going to feel next? Well, it’s true – try it. I recommend shifting your negative thoughts as soon as you become aware of them, or your mood, whichever you become aware of first. Find positive and general thoughts to replace the negative ones that are causing you anxiety, stress, negativity, etc., If you have trouble finding the ‘positive’ thoughts – go for neutral thoughts first! This helps you get through everything and anything!

2. Set daily intentions: Ah, how I love this one! This allows for the Universe to deliver magic STRAIGHT to you! This is all about letting go of your control and letting the ‘flow’ in instead 🙃 A great intention you can begin each day with is: I will naturally overcome any obstacle that I’m faced with today, then EXPECT it to happen without holding an attachment to it…and violà!

3. Pay attention to your reactions vs. your responses: Is it serving you to react that way? (esp. an old habit.) Most of the time, we are all living in the ‘default’ mode. Well, it’s time to change that into an awareness AND THEN response mode so you can pick yourself up with your inner-power.

I hope these are helpful🎈

TELL ME: how do you keep your positive attitude most days?

If you’d love to learn MORE about how to work on me 1 on 1 to tackle your mindset to work FOR you instead of AGAINST you! Feel free to message me HERE!

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How to Stay Positive During Difficult Situations


How Your Emotions Help You Problem-Solve Life Effectively