Positive story-telling is an incredible tool that helps you shift and recreate a new story (and reality) that positively serves you no matter where you are in life.
It’s a favorite tool of mine when I am especially down, upset, or life isn’t going the way I imagined it to be.
It also helps me stay unattached and away from the negative auto-pilot stories/thoughts/beliefs in my head that create my reality.
Here are some tips on how to utilize this tool effectively:
1. Recognize the story you are telling yourself: Before you can make any shift, you need awareness. Let’s say that you are stuck and unclear about what to do in life – this is important to realize so you can finally move away from your current story/reality to your new, more beneficial one.
2. Make a decision: Is this current story SERVING you? If yes – keep at it. If no (and why you’ve probably read down this far), then it’s time to reclaim your power in creating a better story/life for yourself. Recognize that you no longer want that story so you can consciously let it go and make space for a new one.

3. Decide what you want your new story to be: Be really specific here and take your time to figure this out – the more you know, the more the next step can work in your favor, and the better off you are.
4. Adjust your thoughts: Switching from a current story to a new one can be hard – especially if you’ve been playing that in your head for decades or if it’s your in your reality (or both.) But did you know that your CURRENT reality is based on your PAST thoughts/beliefs? To successfully do this step, go general in creating your new story, and find positive VALID thoughts that your beliefs can accompany. For example, if your old story was, “I’m not worthy of anything because I’m not good enough.” Instead, make it “I know that I am a worthy soul no matter what and that the Universe and all of my experiences are leading me exactly where my soul intended for me to go.”

5. Be consistent in re-creating new thoughts/beliefs/stories over your negative ones. You’re basically becoming aware and pulling out these negative ‘roots’ and making space and planting new roots instead. You have to stay consistent, 10 years of negative storytelling isn’t going to change from one affirmation once.
Positive story-telling has helped me not only become aware of myself and my limiting beliefs and stories that I have been telling myself, but it has helped me transform my reality and myself in a way that serves me instead of hurting me. And I genuinely hope that these help you too!
Tell me, what are your current struggles when recreating these positive stories for yourself right now?!

❗️❗️❗️I have the MOST EXCITING NEWS COMING OUT IN A COUPLE OF WEEEEEEKS! SO please stay tuned and look out for the surprise I have been working on for you guys❗️❗️❗️


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