“The more you praise and celebrate your life the more there is in life to celebrate.” -Oprah

There’s always something to be grateful for in your life. If you can’t find it, then you’re not looking hard enough. Whether it’s the clean water you can drink, the airplane ticket you can buy, or the comfy bed you wake up in every day – there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for in our lives. And the more we can recognize it as Oprah says, the more there is to celebrate. The only way to truly test this hypothesis is by simply cultivating this practice in your life!

You can easily cultivate this habit and start your day on the right foot by simply stating all the positive things and moments from the moment you get up! I’m grateful for a clean toothbrush that enables me to take care of myself, I’m grateful for this yummy cup of coffee, I’m grateful for breathing, I’m grateful for serenity, etc., these are mere examples of what’s already within you!

What are you grateful for? What can be taken away that you may forget to thank today? Oprah has an amazing book, What I know for Sure, I highly recommend it as it gives a beautiful illustration of what it means to cultivate gratitude into your life and how to celebrate yourself. It’s a process that begins inside out,I encourage you to look within and find the magic that you’re withholding from yourself and this world!

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