“Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution.” -Albert Einstein

To me, positive energy is different feelings of bliss; hope, happiness, good vibes, love, abundance, ease, etc., ⁣

Negative energy is everything opposite of that.⁣

Watch who you have around you and how they affect you. If they are always talking shit- then they aren’t positive energy. If they have a shitty attitude about positive things, then they aren’t positive energy. These people affect you directly and indirectly (i.e., create your future, see below).⁣

There are a thousand examples I can give you about the difference between positive and negative energy. But that isn’t the point. The point is to encourage you to be aware of how others make you feel and why that is.⁣
Be honest with your reflections because when you’re on the urge of something huge- fear may come in to convince you otherwise. For example, “this human seems upset with me every time I share an accomplishment with them, but I know that deep down they love me.” Don’t let your fears come up that stem from other feelings (i.e., unworthiness)⁣

Just be aware and keep it simple while you’re figuring out who you want to spend your time with BECAUSE the humans that are fortunate enough to enter your world, also help you co-create your life around you.⁣

I’ve had to let go of a couple of humans who caused more drama for me than I’d like. And although I wasn’t always confident about the decision at first, I’m so glad I followed through because I’ve eliminated something in my life that was no longer serving me and my current results are far better because of that intentional action.⁣

What’s one takeaway that stuck with you from this post?⁣

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