“To realize that you are not your thoughts is when you begin to awaken spiritually.” -Eckhart Tolle

I’ve been doing my best to set reminders on my phone 3x a day to remind myself that I am not my thoughts. No matter where I am, no matter what I am thinking, no matter how I am feeling – I don’t have to be attached to my thoughts as ‘me’ if I do not so choose to. We are NOT our thoughts. We are merely observers of them. It’s what we latch onto that makes us feel a certain *negative* way, whether that’s anxiety, sadness, etc., it’s the attachments to these thoughts that stir that pot. Yet we have a choice; we do not have to allow our thoughts to be the rulers of our life. We can instead choose to see them as things that are just passing us by and allow them to come and go without attachment. When it comes to confronting the thoughts that do trigger us, we must question the emotional response that we are having to those thoughts and why we have them and how to get through them. Sometimes healing is involved. And that’s nothing to be scared of. Take your time. Love your soul. Be gentle with yourself and remind yourself regularly that you are NOT your thoughts nor are they you.

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