“If people around you make you question your self-worth, then they aren’t your people.”

If people around you are making you question your self worth than I can guarantee that they are not your people. They are not going to be the people who encourage and motivate you to show up as your best self if they are the ones who stand in the way of you even realizing your best self, realizing your self-worth, and realizing the magic of who you are. So if you’re surrounding yourself around those people then it’s time to take a deeper look and decide what you really want for yourself.
Do you want people in your life who make you question your most worthy self? Or do you want people in your life who help bring out the magic and goodness within you just by surrounding yourself with those people?
So if this is something that you are having trouble with then I have the best news for you! It’s coming out for you in a couple of weeks so stay tuned I can’t wait to talk about this more!! This is a topic that I’m so passionate about. This is something I am so empowered to be able to share with you guys and I CAN’T FREAKING WAIT!!
So your homework is to evaluate the people in your life, are they serving you or are they hurting you? Take action in a way that propels you forward not holds your ass back from being the best you. I love you!
TELL ME: What are your biggest struggles when it comes to self-worth?!

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