“The life in front of you is far more important than the life behind you.”

The life in front of you is far more important than the life behind you:

When I was nearly 9 years old, my dad came to my orphanage one last time.⁣

He came to pick me up to take me back to America to my new family.⁣

I remember standing next to all the babushkas that have raised me for as long as I can remember.⁣

I was SO sad to leave and, all of a sudden, I realized that I wasn’t ready to go yet and leave my old life behind.⁣

But the babushkas didn’t seem to agree with me and encouraged me to get in that car.⁣

All of my emotions seemed to rise out of me that day- but I REFUSED to cry. I thought that if I cried, my new dad would think I’m weak and change his mind about adopting me. (You hear a lot of rumors from other kids 😂)⁣

So I tried my hardest to hold back my tears while saying goodbye, but that didn’t work so well in the end. Nor for the next three days that I spent in tears instead of touring Moscow and going to the circus that my new dad had planned for me.⁣

In the end, I got on that airplane to go to my new home and family. The moment I’ve been dreaming of my entire childhood.⁣

The point of the story is this: Change is hard. And it’s scary AF. Leaving your old life for the one you’ve always wanted is not easy. But it is what is on the other side of that door that makes everything COMPLETELY worth it.⁣

What change hit you hard that was for the best?⁣

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