“There are some things you can only learn in a storm.”

You always hear me say that things happen for you, not to you. But for some, this may be harder to hear, especially if you are going through something currently. The truth is, storms are always here to teach us something beautiful. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if I hadn’t braved-through the shit that I had gone through. I wouldn’t be as empowered. I wouldn’t be as confident. I wouldn’t be as strong. I wouldn’t be as “me” as I was without those experiences. Every single experience shapes you into a naturally rawer version of you. We aren’t always keen to that, but that’s life throwing us into a game we aren’t always ready for but can always be prepared for. Our job is to adjust and do our best with what we’ve got and hopefully learn a deeper and more meaningful lesson through it all; to show up no matter how much life tries to tamper with you. Your stories reshape you into whatever you want to be. They can empower you, or weaken you. They can mean whatever you want them to mean. The question is: how do you want to walk away from your experiences? How can each experience that’s negatively affected you can empower you instead?⁣


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