“If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.”

Imagine how different the world would be if authors weren’t ready to expose their writing, or if musicians weren’t ready to perform, or if artists weren’t ready to showcase their work. Imagine if people weren’t quite ‘ready’ to do what their souls called for? What would we be missing?⁣

The truth is that no one is ‘truly’ ready for anything because how can you be when you’ve never done it before? It’s unknown territory. ⁣

Fear will always be present. But it’s merely a mind game; it’s your brain trying to get you back into your comfort zone rather than expand. It’s just an automatic signal that EVERYONE has. Recognize it, prove it wrong, and go forth anyway.⁣

I think that it’s not only possible, but it’s mandatory to go after the dreams that were given to you FOR you. It’s a must that you fulfill your soul’s desires.⁣

Because the truth of the matter is that fear will always be there. But every time you overcome it, it will decrease a little bit more. And perhaps one day, it’ll disappear altogether. ⁣

But you owe it to yourself; to go after what you want and not let fear get in the way.⁣

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