“You will never always be motivated, so you must learn how to be self-desciplined.” -Unknown

I try hard to stay motivated some days more than others. But it isn’t possible to be in a permanent state of motivation. All you have is a day that can go left, or that can go right. That’s why it’s so important to have a discipline-plan that works for YOU✨. For me, it’s my morning routine that can begin as early as 7:30 am and end as late as 2 PM and then can be followed up with more work in the evening. I don’t always get a straight 5hours of work done; most days it averages out to be 3hr between everything. 💯But my point is this: some days you’ll have to do your own motivating- which is why a discipline plan is so important to set up for yourself. It helps you stay consistent and productive no matter what kind of day you’re having. Don’t forget, positivity ALWAYS sparkles. I ❤️ you.⁣

Follow @positivitysparkles on IG

My vision in life is to empower humans to love themselves and to elevate their lives by learning how to respond positively to life through personal and spiritual growth. Click here to find out how you can work with me💃🏻

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