“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions.” -Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar summed up the importance of gratitude best and I couldn’t agree more with this statement. It’s also the most fulfilling emotion.

The problem with gratitude is that, in a way, it’s almost *too convenient* and too easy. Which isn’t something we want even though that’s what we are searching for. But it’s true, as Zig Ziglar says, cultivating gratitude is the healthiest thing you can do for yourself. Where you are finally recognizing that what you have is enough instead of not enough. Where you realize, that all you have in your life; whether people, things, your health is not something you’d trade with another person. The power is in being able to see and recognize that within yourself. Today. Right now. What are you grateful for? What can you feel good about?

The best way to cultivate gratitude is by attaining a gratitude journal and writing down five things that made you smile or put some love in your heart that day.

I love to start my day by naming happy things in the morning that I am doing and then finishing off with 5 things that made me happy that day. EASY peasy way to become a magnet for miracles!

Thanks, Zig Ziglar!

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